Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Our Predictions for 2006

At this time of year, everyone likes to make predictions about the New Year, so why should we be any different. Here goes:

1. The Real Estate Market. The incredible explosion of prices that happened in 2005 cannot continue, but don't look for any big collapse either. While some of the speculative projects will disappear, buyers will be there to step in. BUT the gravy train is over. We hear stories of high end Bayshore Blvd. projects seeing some significant price pressures. Remember there does come a time when someone has to put their name on these properties and either stroke a check or take out a mortgage. The market for high end condos will be gasping a bit, and prices will not be rising as fast, but overall the real estate market will move along in a positive direction in 2006. Watch for homes to appreciate at around 7 % rates in 2006. The South of Gandy development will be getting everyone's attention.

2. Downtown Development - Mayor Iorio's plans for RiverWalk Park will start to take a more substantial role in downtown planning. The funds for this endeavor look like they will be found. The main developer - EDAW - knows what they are doing. Surprise of surprise will be the History Museum (to be located between Channelside and the Forum) as the main pivot point for this entire park plan. Watch for more attention to be placed on Tampa history. Intial construction should start for the Bishop/Wallace plans for reinvigorating the entire district spanning between downtown and Ybor. Downtown will be a totally different place by January 1, 2007 with lots more changes on the way.

3. Speaking of Museums - The Tampa Museum of Art will find themselves still struggling for a home. While the Cube building is currently being promoted, it will prove to be an expensive and undoable location. The museum will locate there only as a method of survival.

4. More Live Theatre in Tampa. The many local theatre groups will continue to find sponsorships and willing audiences. With prices considerably less than the big shows and with quality talent and the comfort of small theatres, watch for these groups to thrive. The co-operation between groups will intensify and the completion of new small theatres will helped to stimulate interest further. Stageworks, Gorilla Theatre, and TBPAC have shown what benefits come from working together.

5. The Power of Sports. To steal a line from the movie "Rollerball", "This isn't a game." Just because points are involved, don't think this is just a game - this is big business. The financial boost that the completed Hockey season, the winning Buccaneers, the Outback Bowl, and now booming USF Bulls football team will continue to have on Tampa will be extremely noticeable. AND for Those of you in the real know; to have the Manchester United owners (The Glazer family) involved in Tampa is an incredible boost to our prestige around the globe. (pay attention to our #6)

6. More Global Connections.
From the original days of Henry Plant running a train to the docks to move Caribbean products to the north to what lies ahead, Tampa has been a city with international connections. The Glazers will be bringing more attention to Tampa from the European markets. Watch for charter flights to increase between St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport and European destinations; while in Tampa, watch for more flights to Mexico and Caribbean nations including Panama. And while on this subject, WIFI will be almost everywhere. The growth in computer usage will keep exploding. Almost all of downtown has free wifi now. The rest of the city will not be far behind as many businesses will find it a great way to attract customers. More here.

7. SOHO will start making Significant Changes. But the biggest changes will not really happen until 2007. The Citivest High Rise at DeSoto and Bayshore, the Bern's Hotel and Parking Garage, The Post Properties construction at Swann and Howard, and more townhouses sneaking in where possible. Changes to the building currently housing Sangrias/Cappy's will stay a topic of discussion, but no real changes in 2006. Watch for a few more national franchise names to sneak into the neighborhood.

8. YBOR will Continue to drift.
The continual tug of war between the bar/restaurant owners (that draw people) and the daytime businesses(that don't draw people) will continue for at least another year. It will take at least another year before Ybor's shaky legs gain some strength. The completion of the direct roadway from the Port of Tampa to the Interstate will finally let the east side of Ybor provide the catalyst to really change directions and images. For you real estate investors, this might be the best place in town to be !

9. President Bush and Rhonda Storms.
They will start to have more in common. President Bush will go through an impeachment trial that will stagnate his administration as they work to survive. Rhonda Storms will continue to be challenged as a result of her moral exuberance. Oh, and Brian Blair - who is he? In both cases, ideals of where and what our government should "be" and "not be" will be the real questions before us all. (We have to talk about the Governor's race - competitive - this will be a cliff hanger. The timing of the Bush impeachment trial will determine this race.)

10. WestChase What ?
Sometime in 2006, Tampa residents will start to realize the growth that has already occured in West Chase and in Wesley Chapel. These booming areas are just outside the Tampa radar. But their impact is really large.

Biggest Tampa News in 2006 ? We think there will be lots to talk about, but the biggest event will be the emergence of the properties immediately east of downtown as a new real estate growth market. This battle between real estate developers and the port/shipping interests will start to heat up as they fight for turf.

That is what we think is ahead in 2006. What do you think ?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Story About a Horse

Time - 1920. Location - almost anywhere.

There I am working at home as usual when this fancy dressed fella stops by to tell me about how my life is going to change. He tells me about a new world coming and what it is going to mean.

I only have to laugh. For generations my family has done as I am doing. Working at home and travelling as we always have. Whether by myself or with the whole family we were always able to get where we wanted to go with a minimum of effort.

He started talking about thousands of new business locations dotting the countryside and people thinking of things in a whole new way.

Seemed like a nice young fellow, but he will learn that things don't just change like that.


And a short time later - things did change - no more horses or wagons, no one travelling as they did. Thousands of gas stations sprouting up to take care of them and a whole new industry was born.


Over 70% of 2005's air travellers will buy tickets online - not from travel agents. Online sales of almost all products are continuing to rise at double digit rates. 73% of home buyers are using the internet to shop for a new home, 26% are actually finding their home online. The average internet user spends more time online than watching TV. Over 35% of today's holiday shoppers will buy a gift online. Online advertising spending is rising at a rate of 26%. Newspapers are laying off workers partially as a result of the competition from the internet.

**********If you aren't using the internet to advertise your business maybe you are still using a horse and wagon to attract new customers to your door or to remind your existing customers that you are still here.

SOHOTAMPA.COM and TAMPAGOLD.COM have already had over 600,000 hits in the month of December. Let us put the internet to work for you ! Get more info here.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Government of Laws - In the Toilet.

With the revelation of the domestic eavesdropping on Americans without court approval by President Bush, we see a continuation of the erosion of the basic concept of a govenment of laws. People being held for extended periods of time with out charges being filed is already part of this erosion process. The inability of them to have access to the court system and a jury is appalling.

When you consider these erosion of our laws, the blatant deception that was used for our reasons for going to war in Iraq, and the continuing revelations of secret prisons and prisoner abuse contrary to the Geneva Conventions, it makes the impeachment of President Clinton for not telling the truth about a sexual affair look like a joke.

This President is out of control. In response to this new revelation he is blaming the information source rather than really addressing the issue of domestic surveillance. It is time for him to be reined in. As these details continue to be revealed it looks like we will once again have a White House so busy dealing with their own shortcomings they will not deal with the issues facing our citizens.

Over 40,000 Hurricane Katrina victims are still in hotels. The FEMA efforts from over a year ago in Florida are still hovering like a ghost of government failed. California has similar risks to New Orleans should a serious earthquake occur. Osama Bin Laden (the real perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks) has still not been found.

Normally I would suggest we wait til the next election to put things back on track, but at the rate of the erosion of laws protecting our rights to the courts and to privacy, I am not sure we can afford to wait. You can almost expect a statement from the Bush Administration that the elections will be delayed because of a threat to national security that has ties to terrorists.

With these newest of revelations, even many Republican legislators are sickened. It is time for Congress to act. Not talk, ACT. Let's see if they rise to the occasion or would they rather wait for the next Democrat involved in a sex scandal instead ?

Even Conservative Political Commentator Robert Novak started to point fingers at President Bush this past week. It is hard to believe that we are where we are. At what point is enough, enough ?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

ArtsYbor Like a Dead Horse

The first time Ybor City held this monthly event, it was well received and attended. The abundance of quality art on display throughout the area was a real topic of conversation. However, the subsequent events have been so poorly attended that it has become an embarassment.

The City has helped to fund this event. Hartline is running their empty trolleys for the event. Musicians are playing. BUT NO ONE IS THERE.

You can't get a dead horse to win a race. The Arts Ybor event has become such a dead horse they should just quietly let it go away.

With the start of a new year, Save the money and focus on something else.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Doesn't Seem Right

As you have driven downtown by the Federal Courthouse, it has been hard not to notice to barricades indicating something special was going on. That Something Special was the trial of Sami Al-Arian on charges involving terrorism and other grievious acts against our country. The U.S. Government spent lots of money and time to justify their charges against him. They failed.

No charge of guilt was found against him.

We really have nothing to say about that, except: a jury heard an unbelievable amount of evidence (that we sure haven't) and made a decision.

What does bother us is that days after the trial - with no guilty verdicts - he is still being held. What gives ?

It is hard to miss the rhetoric about Saddam Hussein jailing people with no reason, no trial, hiding them, and abusing them.

Hm... seems like our Bush lead government is doing the same. People being held for years without charges. People being held in secret prisons without any acknowledgement. No trials. Abuse at prisons from Americans or others. AND now, one guy goes to trial with all the resources of the Federal government being dumped on him to prove guilt, the jury finds none, and he is still behind bars.

I think we should classify all this as "For Adults Only". The last thing I would want would be for kids that are being taught about our Constitution and American ideas of a democratic country of laws to find out reality.

To "Merry Christmas" or Not

Ok, I admit I am not a religious person, but the spirit of Christmas is a really great feeling. Having shared Hannukah with many friends, that spirit provides a really great feeling too.

Since I am not Jewish, it would seem a little strange for me to be saying " Happy Hannukah" to people I greet.

But these days in the world of political correctness, saying "Merry Christmas" seems a little stressed to me, too.

TAMPAGOLD.COM and SOHOTAMPA.COM will be having our "HOLIDAY PARTY" on Monday, Dec. 19th, We want to invite You and Everyone to enjoy each other's company and holiday spirit - every holiday spirit. You can get the details of our party here.

What do you think about the "political correctness" that seems to be taking over our holidays ? Is there an answer ?

We Apologize and Have Taken Action

Recently, SOHOTAMPA.COM and TAMPAGOLD.COM became an affiliate advertising site for over 80 national businesses. Included are Florsheim shoes, Mikasa, Sharper Image, Macy's, Hilo Hatties, Time Life, Aetna and many other household names - and Wal-Mart.

Recent articles concerning claims against Wal-Mart of racism and how Wal-Mart responded have lead us to withdraw from being a Wal-Mart affiliate. The stories that have existed about this company have frequently been peppered with concerns about damage to local economies, fair wages and benefits, buying products from sweatshop manufacturing conditions, and more.

If Tampa were a small town, we would probably not like Wal-Mart due to their ability to eliminate the important local businesses. They have definitely had an impact in Tampa - both good and bad.

However, the new charges regarding a very poorly handled situation in the Brandon store is more than we are willing to ask our site visitors to overlook.

Internet advertising for this holiday season has grown by 24%.

We have removed their ad links on our sites, notified them as such by email, and withdrawn from their affiliate program

We apologize to you for any uncomfort this may have created you and assure you that our sites do not condone racism or bigotry.

IN AN UPDATE - 12/14/05 - It seems that Wal-Mart has taken the step of firing the store manager and putting another store employee on some sort of "double secret probation". These steps might help, but it is the overall company thinking that really needs to be considered.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Trolley Being Expanded to South Howard

After a series of many meetings and discussions, it finally took the development of the corner block at Howard and Swann by Post Properties to unleash part of the money required to expand this service. The City required Post to contribute to this service before approving any building permits. Starting in January of 2006, the trolley (actually a bus that looks sort of like a trolley) will continue past Olde Hyde Park Village from Downtown to loop around Howard and Bristol(the road behind Kash N Karry) on its way back to downtown.

With the business on South Howard, this is past overdue. Unfortunately, the hours are so limited that it might not accomplish much. Plans call for the service to start at 11:30 AM and end at 9 on weeknights and 11 on weekends. Not real supportive of doing an Ybor City, Channelside, or Forum event. BUT it is at least a start.

A possible short loop route could run with an additional $50,000 or a Long loop route for about $150,000. Get details here.

With the difficulty finding parking and fighting traffic, this could help to solve part of these problems. What do you think ?

Monday, December 05, 2005

We felt this should be posted

We received this email from one of our readers and felt it should be posted.

Sexuality should, in my opinion, be private.
It should be a non-issue.
Fem, and Hyper-male stuff is just "acting out". It is an act of
People need to learn how to have a well integrated personality of their very
own--instead of acting out a character. (Or in my own personal venacular:
being a cartoon.)
I think the focus should be to give young people the understanding that they
themselves must be complete before they start engaging in intimacy of any
kind. They need to learn how to have healthy relationships with others as
individuals and have a comfortability in themselves before adding sexuality
to the mix. So many people that I have met lack the self-restraint and
completeness which is necessary for a comfortable partnership with another
human being regardless of sexuality.
It is nothing less than a tragedy--again the sexuality means nothing in
I have known a few very flamboyant characters--which admittedly scared the
crap out of me. They did it on purpose. It kept people at a distance and
headed off any rejection. The rejection they were most frightened of was
not of their sexuality, but of THEM. Two different deals. Pain in both.
I've caused myself great injury in the past, and will slip into old
passive-aggressive behavior without even realizing it. A terrible flaw, a
crippling defect of character, based upon fear, anger, and rage.
Even though I'm "straight" and have always been--the "gay-pride" stuff I
have seen in action has been the reflection of these same flaws. It tatters
the fabric of civility, it divides the community, and causes distress and
confusion amongst the young. I do not believe that sexuality is complete
until people reach their twenties--a childhood "crush" has been turned into
a life sentence. This is totally unfair to the young.
The few people that I have known over the years which were complete,
comfortable people were gender innocuous--that is to say that the
personality and other aspects of their character were very much in the
foreground. They could turn the sensual aspect of their character on and
off like a light bulb; and that side of their character was no one's
business but their own. Each and every one of those rare individuals were
worthy of emulation.
Outward behavior is important--in the end it is all anyone has to decide
whether to associate, befriend, or hire someone. That is where the focus
should be--along with private things remaining comfortably private.
I am convinced that Rhonda Storms was elected and re-elected strictly for
entertainment value and nothing else. She is the South Hillborough County
answer to the powers-that-be in south Tampa that run everything. The
WWF-Wrestler is a pathetic puppet, with daddy well connected with the
"good-ole-boys". I really wanted "Dave the Dwarf" to win-if only for the
name value. The people who really cared about the county didn't have a

Friday, December 02, 2005

It is Past Amazing !

Cirque de Soleil launched a one month engagement of the production - VAREKAI in St. Petersburg this week.

TAMPAGOLD.COM and SOHOTAMPA.COM were invited to attend and to assist in part of their promotion of the event.

Having been to a Cirque de Soleil's La Nouba previously, I did not hesitate to commit to them and to attend the opening event.

If you like costumes, you have to go.

If you like theatre and dance, you have to go.

If you like acrobatics, you have to go.

If you like comedy, you have to go.

There is nothing like Cirque de Soleil. The talent, professionalism, and production is second to none.

You will see performers accomplish physical acts that seem impossible.

Varekai starts with a forest feel of roaming animals and characters that borders on chaos. As the show progresses, chaos is far from what you see. The precision of the performers in overhead acrobatics and springboard programs is nothing short of amazing. Trust between performance partners is nothing short of miraculous.

Don't miss this event while it is here.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Tampa/Hillsborough Deserves Better

It has been funny this year to watch the personality battles between the various leaders in Tampa and Hillsborough County.

Remember Alexander Haig's "I'm In Charge" statement. Well when Mayor Iorio and the County Administrator started to tug over who would be in charge following a significant disaster, it sure sounded a familiar tone.

With the growth that is happening all over the immediate area, it is clear to see that most of it seems out of control from the long range planners. It has become virtually seamless as you drive out East Adamo drive and transition to Brandon. Plant City, Lutz, Riverview are rapidly filling in the gaps of any empty property to be found.

In case you missed it, the Tampa Tribune recently called for a county mayor form of government. Petitions are being circulated to put this issue on the ballot. We think it is a good idea, too. What do you think ?

President Bush is Correct !

After all the ruckus raised about Democratic Congressman Murtha's call for the immediate withdrawl of troops from Iraq, the President finally said something that should have been said long ago. Of course, the White House staff that called Murtha part of the the Michael Moore and Left Wing of America didn't seem to get the message in time.

President Bush: "People should feel comfortable about expressing their opinions about Iraq. I heard somebody say "Well maybe so and so is not patriotic" because they disagree with my position. I totally reject that thought."

America was born on the basis of many freedoms - including freedom of speech. We should all welcome people to speak up about their beliefs - whether we agree with them or not. With the right wing rhetoric of criticism being un-American, we have to state the opposite - the right to criticize with free speech is the basis of what America is all about.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tampa's Riverwalk Will Change Our City

Have you looked at a map and seen how much waterfrontage Tampa has ? It is a lot.

But have you tried to find a place on the water to enjoy a meal or drinks and enjoy the view ? There aren't very many.

Mayor Iorio is aggressively putting together her plans to provide a usable riverfront walkway that will connect all of downtown. Over 2 miles of meandering walks, trails, bridges, and docks will allow for a continuous riverside stroll from Channelside to north of the I-275 bridge. Visions of cafes, historical displays, large event/concert venues, informative nature stands, and lots more are being discussed. This is no pie in the sky. Already lots of the required property and walks are in place or under construction. The design team - from an internationally acclaimed company - EDAW - is very impressive. A third presentation will come in the next few months that will lay out specifics of the plan - including anticipated costs.

If you have ever been to San Antonio, Baltimore, or most any major city on a waterway, you have probably strolled their Riverwalk equivalent. While we have some issues with the Mayor on various items, this project and this design team look like they will positively change the face of downtown Tampa forever.

Several players in this project must be noted: Mayor Iorio has shown the vision, EDAW has provided great information with a beyond the call of duty attitude about seeking public input, and Riverwalk Development Manager Lee Hoffrman has the personality and attitude that is ready to overcome any obstacle. A "Friends of Riverwalk" group provides us with our only concern for this project. This group will provide the business/real estate/ developer input to the project. Chaired by Dan Mahurin, this is a most vital part of making the project happen - it is what the public has to give up that concerns us in this venture.

If you have any concern about Tampa's future, you should be keeping your eyes on the Riverwalk plan. Goal for completion of the two mile Riverwalk is not far away - early 2009, in time for Super Bowl. You can get complete Riverwalk details here.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Not So Fast !

The current meeting of the minds between Mayor Iorio and the Tampa Museum of Art about locating the new museum in the Cube/Beer Can Building at Kennedy and Ashley on the rivers seems like a wonderful solution to a lot of problems - but only on the surface.

The building is an architecturally well designed place with a lot of vacancies that needs something there. The Museum really wants to be on the river and since their current location has a date with the wrecking ball, an immediate decision is important to them. The Mayor is trying to regain some of her lost political capital because of the animosity her stands including a recommendation to put the museum in the old federal courthouse have generated.

TAMPAGOLD.COM has clearly been on the record of supporting the retention and renovation of Kiley Gardens, so this new, compromise location would seem perfect. But, it is not.

If you examine previous discussions, it is clear that the square footage is not adequate. Parking does not look adequate. Lighting in the cube is really great - but not for an art museum. Wall space/display space is not adequate. The costs are being evaluated, but they will probably exceed the costs available for a new museum.

The Mayor's idea of a large park space for events that would include the proposed Riverwalk, the current Curtis Hixon Park, and the current to be cleared museum site; could bring more people to the Tampa downtown. St.Petersburg's Ribfest this past weekend shows what a large, open air space can do for a city. But as far as the Tampa Museum of Art is concerned, it is time to keep looking for a suitable space. We wish the current "choice of the day" would work, but after examining their previous concerns and requests; it is clear that it just won't.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Rhonda and Brian Show

In case you missed Wednesday night's Fox News Network's interview of two Hillsborough County Commissioners - Rhonda Storms and Brian Blair - you missed quite a show.

Just for your information, we did not want to see the holidays done away with, but isn't the issue education ? Most government agencies do not recognize these holidays.

Bill O'Reilly clearly portrayed Storms and her side kick, Blair, as the ones that have stopped the grinch from stealing holidays in our public schools - implying that they single handedly accomplished this. (So those of you that attended meetings, sent emails, or made phone calls were not important) The rhetoric was so thick that it seemed more like fiction rather than a news story.

After listening to Commissioner Storms rant and rave over the years it seemed hard to not crack up when O'Reilly said as a concern about the school holidays critics: "Any time they can't win on the issues they resort to name calling".

To more appropriately reflect to you the flavor of the interview: imagine Commissioner Storms dressed in black leather, dominatrix attire with whip in hand and the submissive Blair kissing her booted feet.

When asked about the "liberal media - the St. Pete Times and the Tampa Tribune", Commissioner Storms pandered to O'Reilly by making it clear that TV is taking over newspapers. (Editors note: we believe that is true for the Storms and Blair fans - they probably can't or don't read any way. With the editorial differences between the Times and the Trib, they must be laughing hysterically at being painted as in the liberal camp together. )

This inteview was so funny that it rated as a comedy act. The submissive Blair seemed to look at Storms in awe. The continual name calling rhetoric was dogmatic rather than substantive. The only thing sad about the whole thing was to remember that these two elected officals are paid big bucks to represent us. Sort of makes us wish we had elections more often.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Is Ybor About to Change ?

We might really add - "again" to this title.

With the soon demise of the riverfront Tampa Museum of Art, Ybor City has started a campaign to attract the museum to their historic area.

The Arts Ybor events could help that become a reality by showing that the area is more than just bars and loud crowds. The recent Shop Hop organized by three Ybor Ad agencies was very impressive in showcasing the talent and business climate in the area.

Many art galleries already call Ybor home. Is Ybor City the right place for Tampa's main art investment ?

We are not sure, but the success or failure of Arts Ybor may make a big difference in answering that question. What do you think ?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Controlling Growth in Tampa - is it possible ?

At a recent City Town Meeting, Mayor Iorio indicated that downtown has the infrastructure to allow for the addition of an entire new neighborhood.

Not sure what that means as far as numbers go, but that could be 10,000 or more.

Do you think our existing neighborhoods can handle the growth already underway ? PalmaCeia has responded by restricting townhouse development. A proposed condo project South of Gandy has been denied. A planned high rise at Bayshore and Desoto has also been denied. Most of these denials have come after significant neighborhood opposition.

What do you think is our city's biggest issue affecting growth management ? What "can" be done and what "should" be done ?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Who Stole the Pumpkin from Guavaween ?

Tampa's biggest Halloween Party was fun as always this year. Costumes were interesting as always, but something seemed to be amiss.

The Chamber of Commerce Guavaween site indicates a possible turnout of 80,000. But this week's reports put the number closer to 50,000.

The weather for this fun event was about as close to perfect as possible. We noticed the sidewalks did not seem jammed. The band stages were in some cases almost vacant.

Apparently in true Guavaween spirit, various city departments decided to visit various establishments - closing several down due to code violations. We don't have a problem with that - except didn't those problems exist prior to Guavaween Saturday ? Where was the City then ?

While almost all city parades are started with city and county officials in convertibles waving to the masses, they were clearly invisible at Guavaween. (Do they think the 50,000 attendees are not voters ? or is it more than that)

Guavaween is a fun event. Ybor City is a beautiful, historical place. Why the fun businesses, other businesses, and City and County officials can't get together and establish a clear direction for this area is one of Tampa's greatest tragedies.

Thursday, Nov. 3, from 5:30 - 8:30 PM - Three Ad Agencies in Ybor have put together the Ybor Shop Hop. These creative groups have the opportunity to help solve this divide. Let's hope Ybor starts acting like a team and establishes a direction for progress. This tragedy of division has gone on too long.

The REAL Message of Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks will alway be known as a significant contributor to helping to eliminate racial discrimination. While racism is still in clear existence today, her efforts definitely helped to make America more aware of discrimination at a time when few seemed to be concerned.

But I do not think that is the message that the life of Rosa Parks should be remembered by.

Her real message was the power of the individual to effect change and thought. Her refusal to give up her seat in a Montgomery, Alabama bus was more about that power of an individual than anything else.

As I have written this blog and other articles it has amazed me at the complacency of Americans. We talk of defending our freedoms but them feel we cannot express them.

The rhetoric of how not supporting a war is the same as not supporting the troops or our President is an example of that. Speaking up IS American. English King George sure got that message - so why can't we ?

At a recent Tampa Town Meeting, the lack of public response was noticeable. As City Officials and Administrators waited with pens in hand to address South and West Tampa issues, the small number of attendees would indicate that we have very few issues in our great city.

It is American to discuss issues - from both sides - and to seek better ways of understanding. The message from Rosa Parks is - one voice can make a difference - all you have to do is use it.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Are We a TV Society ? Can computers make us interactive ?

Dealing with volunteers for many years, it has seemed that people think we are a TV society - a society that allows us to only turn the switch on or off - or to just switch channels. People don't seem to think that they can cause things to happen. Change the plot or script so to speak.

When we really step on some toes (which we do on occasions) ; someone always says to me "I can't believe you said that."

Issues need to be discussed and hammered about, not just turned on or off. Negotiation, compromise and discussion is what freedom is all about.

Computers are allowing for much greater interactivity - such as this blog - where you can add your comments, ideas or suggestions. To stay silent means: you are afraid or embarassed to express yourself; the issue is of no importance to you; or you feel that making any expression will have no result on the issue discussed.

Our elected officials are very accessible as a rule. Have you taken time to talk to them ?

Imagine being in a job where you came in every day, but you had no direction or assignment of work to do. Be pretty boring and unchallenging, wouldn't it ?

Challenge your elected officials and candidates to discuss your issues. They do work for you, but without your suggestion and direction they may do what you least want them to.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Watching the City in Action ! LOOK OUT ! More Police Coming to SOHO Area.

Mayor Pam Iorio has been conducting a series of Town Hall type meetings across the city over the past few months. The idea is a simple one: go to the neighborhoods, bring along an impressive array of city administrators with pads and pencils in hand, and listen to the gripes, problems, and concerns of the public, and then : RESPOND.

The Oct. 18th meeting was designed to reach the South and West Tampa neighborhoods. If you have never attended one of these events, you should. It is representative government in action. Some of the attendees came with specific concerns about speed bumps on their street, curbs that are needed, potholes and bumps that need repairs, code enforcement issues (like a neighbor converting part of their home into an additional living unit etc.) , and concerns about congregating young people. Mayor Iorio is one of the best elected officials to conduct this type of Town Meeting. She is knowledgeable and responsive. Most of those issues were responded to by an administrator with an assurance that a personal response would be supplied - in time.

The larger issues are usually presented by Neighborhood Associations or community activitists. Community activists are the conscience of the city. They may speak on any subject imaginable. Issues raised at this meeting included : concerns about the overuse of public surveillance monitors; announcement of plans to oppose major sporting events coming to Hillsborough County due to portrayed discrimination against the Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transexual community; over development and the many problems associated with that issue; and even the concern for the decline of rental housing due to rapidly rising real estate values.

The Courier City neighborhood group expressed concerns about parking problems in the SOHO area. It was acknowledged that plans were already in place to increase Police officers on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights to issue more tickets to violators. The Mayor seemed to have no solution to the parking problems. Concerns about streets being jammed with parked cars and the potential danger created by narrowing streets so that emergency vehicles can not navigate these streets. I asked the Mayor if the goal of this was to raise funds for a new parking garage or for providing expanded mass transit to reduce the demand for parking. Her response was clear: at this time there is no plan for adding any parking to the SOHO area and no plan to add mass transit. When I further challenged about the allowance of more development that is creating greater density and increasing parking needs, theMayor deferred the issue to city administrators. City Council member Linda Saul-Sena, further emphasized the parking problem to the Mayor and administrators. However, if you are looking for the city's solution to this ever increasing problem, the answer may be as clear as the newly written ticket on your windshield.

My general take on the event: people are really concerned about the "appearance" of the City of Tampa and the impact of devlopment. Many commented about lack of landscaping on roadways and many lamented that Tampa was not as pretty as St. Petersburg. Development and roads are on most everyone's minds. Major concerns were expressed by numerous groups concerning the planned development of a condominium/retail project at the corner of Swann and Howard Avenue and the soon to be added traffic. Parking problems in SOHO will be responded to by increasing the amount of parking citations. (doesn't seem like much of a solution to us.)

However, it was my general take on the response that bothered me. Many citizens complained that they had been raising their issue over many years and had received no response. While overall, phone calls seemed to be returned; many calls are still not. It seemed pretty flippant when they heard this: "Well if you have had the problem for 30 years, another 30 days won't matter."

In today's world of instantaneous communication and information, and with the scope of professional administrators; the City needs to be doing a better job of addressing the long term issues of the neighborhoods. (BY THE WAY: no one mentioned the future of the Tampa Museum of Art - maybe the neighborhoods would rather have the money spent on those curbs and potholes that they deal with every day instead) What do you think ?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Ybor City and Its Challenges

This past weekend while attending a Buc's party, I was gently attacked by an Ybor business owner about how we clearly did not support Ybor City and its efforts. I listened intently and took the comments to heart.

The fact is: I really like Ybor. The rich history and culture reflected in the architecture and character is magnificent to say the least.

The District is working to return Ybor from a reputation as being a party and club district to more of a cultural and business district. That is a great idea. With the many great clubs and restaurants that seem to dominate the area, it is sad that the daytime business isn't stronger than it is. In fact, Ybor doesn't start to happen until 10 pm at best.

With camera and pencil in hand, off I went to see the Ybor Renaissance of ARTS YBOR, a planned Second Wednesday of the Month event designed to showcase the arts and retail side of the area. The galleries offer some creative works in a comfortable atmosphere. Many shops are located in restored old homes that are works of art in themselves.

There was no one there. Business leaders seemed to be invisible. Even though the publicity for the event had been pretty extensive, there was just no one there. The supposed leadership was missing. No real effort by the Ybor Chamber of Commerce. No real effort by the businesses in the district.

At this time, Ybor City is a night time bar and restaurant district with retail shops that cater to that market and nothing more. Unfortunately, due to previous problems of violence, that image is not going to attract the crowd that the districts business leaders are seeking. A meeting of the minds needs to be held - with all businesses represented - to decide the direction of Ybor City. Or the so-called business leaders need to accept Ybor as it is. As a ship without a rudder, this magnificent part of Tampa's heritage will never reach its real potential. What a shame.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

How do we keep it all straight ?

TAMPAGOLD.COM is now providing an automated Calender of Events with a committment to be the Best Calendar in the Tampa Area. Eric Sturm, former calender manager from Verve Tampa Bay, will be managing our site. We are seeking your input ! Check out our calendar and have a look. Regardless of the type of event, we are committed to keeping you informed !

Visit Our Calendar here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

There's Nothing Like Professionals

The recent city of Tampa sponsored event at the Tampa Convention Center to bring out comments on Mayor Iorio's Riverwalk idea was truly an event to be savoured.

The hired guns from EDAW clearly showed their expertise and professionalism in lots of different ways. First, their previous projects were diverse, creative, and substantial. Second, their presentation was clear and precise without being arrogant or dictatotial. Third, when they indicated they wanted public input it seemed sincere. BUT most of all, they were informed about and prepared to dance through the maze of local issues that could send the Riverwalk up the river.

When one of the Tampa Museum of Art's riverfront site proponents took a swat at the plan, these EDAW professionals recognized the incoming attack for what it was and responded with a clear indication that the Museum was not their issue, but that their expertise would make the Museum, at whatever location, a part of the Riverwalk connectivity plan. (see more pictures from the meeting here)

With her popularity chart starting to rival President Bush's poll results, Mayor Iorio has committed herself to "creating Tampa's premier attraction."

All she needs is to: 1. keep the Art Museum backers happy; 2. keep the Kiley Park supporters happy; 3. overcome problems created by being on a navigable river with security issues and bridges of various heights, 4. have a design/concept that is liked by everyone;

AND, of course, 5. Find the $20 plus million required to make this happen.

Monday, September 19, 2005

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

The problems of the levees in New Orleans had been known for years. The biggest problem was the failure of the people and the politicians to be willing to bite the financial bullet and make the levees safe.

Now California is examining the same type of issue. With their levees in an earthquake prone area, the proposed cost to bring the levees up to a sufficient safe zone is over $ 1 Billion dollars. That is a lot ! But nothing like the potential disaster if it is not done.

The bill for the repair of the Gulf Coast will be over $200 Billion.

Unfortunately, money does not grow on trees 0r in vineyards. President Bush has been one of the most fiscally irresponsible leaders in our country's history. Hard to believe from a purported conservative, Republican administration.

Republican rhetoric has called the Democrats "taxers and spenders" while under this administration the Republicans have just plain been "spenders" saddling us with a huge debt at the wrong time.

While launching two war fronts, the mislead war in Iraq and the almost forgotten war in Afghanistan, he has engineered tax cuts for the rich resulting in large budget deficits. Now when we need dollars to respond to the largest disaster affecting the American people, the money is not there, except by borrowing even more. When we needed the National Guard to save the Homeland, many were overseas.

The pictures from hurricane affected American streets and neighborhoods make the scenes from Lebanon, Iraq, Somalia, and other combat zones look pretty tame. Hard to look at bodies lying on the side of the road - for days - and not thinking that this can't be happening in America.

We wish a new electionwas close at hand. We need fresh, new, bold leadership with creativity and vision to get America back on track.

The believers still say, "Bush did a better job than Kerry would have done." Maybe, maybe not; but with a forgotten war on the real bad guys that killed thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11, with a falsely justified war on Iraq, with a fiscally irresponsible budgetary policy, and now with the failure of the federal government to quickly and effectively respond to a natural disaster that we could see coming, giving Kerry or anyone else a chance to do better seems like a reasonable idea. We aren't going to talk about the budget surpluses during the Clinton administration or the fact that more Americans are falling into poverty since George W. took office. We aren't even going to be partisan, give us a different Republican - just give us someone different.

Monday, September 05, 2005


The damage assessment for the area affected by Hurricane Katrina is 90,000 square miles. Sometime this week it is projected that 54,000 federal troops will be on the ground to help this devastated part of our country. OR .60 federal troop member per square mile.

Iraq is almost 169,000 square miles in area. According to CNN, we have 138,000 troops in Iraq. OR .81 federal troop member per square mile.

That does not include Afghanistan or any other assigned locations. Think about it.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


There will be plenty of blame going around concerning the handling/mishandling of the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. BUT the people without food/water or without a place to go, really do not care about blame for now. They just want the basics that a country like ours should provide.

It is clear that the dangers of the levees were made public years ago. Whether possible or not, when you want help, you want it NOW !

Florida should be re examining all of our disaster scenarios and plans. That is the job our professionals are paid to do.

For the immediate need of desperate families, why shouldn't Tampa make available the empty Fort Homerly Hesterly Armory for temporary housing ? This building could be a great temporary shelter. While it might not be a first class hotel, it is dry and conveniently located for people in need.

Why should we do this ? Because we can.

This property on North Howard Avenue is empty and convenient. The property is still in transition from the National Guard to the City of Tampa. Elvis, Gordon Solie and every wrestler that ever visited this building would surely approve of this use.

Tampa's day for a similar disaster may come some day, wouldn't you want it done for you ?

Call upon Mayor Iorio to respond by clicking here.

Give to the RED CROSS NOW by clicking here. OR Give to the Bush Clinton Katrina Fund by clicking here.
OR drop off your donations at the St. Pete Times Forum
OR TO SEND A PACKAGE DIRECTLY, Send to REFUGEES - Astrodome -8400 Kirby Drive, Houston, TX 77054. Mark on the front of the package what is enclosed to assist in distribution.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Just as during the 9/11 disaster, we are all afforded the amazing ability to get a news (including pictures) immediately of the New Orleans - Gulf Coast disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina.

The TOTAL devastation is incredible. It could have been us.

Hurricane Charley threatened to come right up Tampa Bay, the worst scenario for us according to local planners.

You have to feel the pain of the many displaced people you see on news broadcasts.

The power of the internet is evident again when I realize that if this had happened to me I could be located, in time, by my internet address. I could communicate with worried friends and family from some stray location - assuming I had survived.

Help these people get out of the disaster zone to where they can be safe and can communicate again.

NOW is the time to help these survivors. Tampa groups have already started planning fundraisers and contribution drops. This is great - BUT do something NOW !

Give to the RED CROSS NOW ! As I listen to the news I hear a reporter saying "people are dying now. A man is laying dead on the sidewalk and no one is doing anything."


Local groups doing things to help are great ! But a week will be too late for many people.

GIVE TO THE RED CROSS NOW ! They are waiting for your call. 800-HELPNOW or
Click here.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Tampa Is Lucky Again

Hurricane Katrina unleashed her fury on the upper Gulf Coast sparing us from another potential disaster. If you are "ordered" to evacuate - would you ? Do you trust government officials to advise you correctly before a storm hits ? And do you trust them to take care of you after the event ? Are you really covered under your insurance ?
AND if you evacuated in the middle of the night with almost nothing, and almost everything you had was lost, do you know what you would do ?

Lots of questions to think about.

New Orleans had been lucky for a long time - just like us.

You can help now with a few dollars - for the RED CROSS - click here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


It amazes me when I hear people so intolerant of others in the U.S.

Critics of the President are called names and told they aren't Americans. Critics of the War are called names and told they aren't Americans. Critics of anything are called names and told they aren't Americans.

What an irony. Many of our founding fathers came here to avoid religious and political persecution. Our Bill of Rights seeks to guarantee freedom of speech and thought.

While I may not ever agree with your opinion - I will ALWAYS agree with your right to state it.

The recent emphasis on democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan is the allowance of people to speak about and vote for their ideas.

Seems to me like it is time for Americans to BE Americans and let citizens speak up for their own ideas.

Whether it be Bikini Bars in East Hillsborough County, HARTLINE, The Art Museum, The Iraq War, - sift through the bombardment of messages reaching you every moment and think about and speak up about what is important to you !


Too much can lead to too little.

Stop right where you are right now and take a moment to look around you. How many messages are reaching at you NOW ?

Is there a logo on your drink cup ? Does your computer have a label saying "Intel Inside" ? Are there any business cards in front of you ? Anything like "Microsoft" on your mouse or keyboard ? Does your phone say "Nextel" ?

We are so bombarded with messages that it leads to many of us missing a lot of what is going on.

It is most concerning when it comes to issues that may be really important - maybe even save lives.

Are you aware of the following:
1. 7th Avenue in Ybor is about to return to vehicle traffic from the pedestrian traffic in the past ?
2. considerations are underway to change parts of North Armenia/North Howard just north of the Interstate to TWO Way streets from the current ONE way streets ?
3. people are gathering ballot initiative petition signatures with your name, address, and phone number and not identifying who they are or who they are working for ?
4. a group name BEST (Built Environment for a Sustainable Tampa) is trying to insure that Downtown Tampa does not become just a batch of high rise concrete structures ?
5. a future Tampa Museum of Art will cost city residents about 1 Million per year to operate ?
6. the "New Tampa" area has a strong movement afoot to no longer be a part of the City of Tampa ?

And we have barely begun to scratch the surface of what all is happening in this city. is making significant changes to be able to tell you more about our city and its residents. Your input is critical to making that work. We welcome your comments and input - always !

Monday, August 15, 2005


Hillsborough County Commissioner Rhonda Storms is a pretty unique politician. She does speak her mind and is consistent with her voting. I like her style - sometimes.

BUT it is her substance that gets all out of whack. She seems totally unconcerned about the possibility that her stand against supporting Gay Pride might be deemed as discriminatory.

Whether or not you agree with her stand, you should be concerned about her attitude. And concerned with her effort to rush through her position without any prior discussion or input. The speed and lack of deliberation on behalf of the commission members sure smells of a planned conspiracy.

Did the other commissioners know this was coming ? If so, when and how ? Was this a violation of the Sunshine Law ? Will we ever know ?

The GLB coalition has now implemented a plan to support merchants that support their cause by posting a sticker on their front door. My history education brings to mind too many times that a marked door was used to discriminate and to persecute.

I hope our County Commission will learn how to unify rather than divide. This would be something we could all be proud of.


The continuing saga of Cindy Sheehan hanging out by the President's Crawford Texas home has really gotten sour. Nerves at the site seem frayed.

I am no fan of President Bush and have never been a supporter of the war on Iraq. We did not have UN approval and their were no WMD's as threatened, however, that day of decision has passed. T

he President is THE PRESIDENT.

I do not think he should meet with her - again. And ignoring her presence at the ranch will not do any good either. Especially if some one is hurt or tensions escalate.

What a great time to have a good reason to cancel his vacation for a week and head to: a disaster site, a meeting of some conservative group, an international good will mission or something. Maybe with the completion of an Iraq constitution, Bush could sneak into Iraq for a celebratory signing or something. If the President and the media left Crawford, this wrong approach to this serious issue would go away.

We all share the pain of the Sheehan family.

Openly and candidly discussing Iraq's future and our role in it is a much better way to deal with the Iraq issue for everyone's benefit. It is the failure in doing so that has provided Cindy Sheehan with this platform.

Monday, July 25, 2005

TAMPA - City of the Arts ?

With a lot of dust being stirred up, it look like the Tampa Museum of Art is still looking for a new home. Mayor Iorio is insistent on an open riverfront - although she hints of mid rise residential/commercial space and talks of a museum district in the Franklin Street Area. The Tampa Museum of Art Board maintains that they need more and new space and have pushed for a riverfront site.

Lots of issues have been raised over these plans. Among them are the continuing operating costs of the museum and of course, the cost of construction too. How important is the building itself ? What size and form of exhibit space is required and can be afforded ?

Do we need to spend the money ? What is the "real" value of the museum ? Should it be in downtown at all ? Lots of questions, and so far not many answers

At a potential cost of construction of over $100 million and a per year city contribution of near $1 million, can or should we afford it ?

What do you think ?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Ybor City - What should we do ?

With the recent attention that has been given to Tampa's Ybor City, it is no wonder that everyone has an opinion. This multi block area has a clashing combination of businesses, architecture, history, and people.

It does seem that bad news in or even near Ybor gets larger headlines than most other bad news, but a high dollar Public Relations Guru is not the answer. Fix the Problems, Fix the News.

It is not the City's right to randomly close the bars and we will argue to the end for bars or any business to be able to price their legal products as the business owner wishes.

The effects are starting to become noticeable. While week nights were not usually that busy, they have now become even less busy. Some establishments have their own clientele and following, but even they are starting to feel the sting.

Parking in Ybor already adds to your headache. Parking on 7th Avenue is allowed at certain hours. Parking meters are randomly, but frequently enforced. Parking garages are not all that convenient. Private lot hawkers make you wonder about their legitimacy and rates vary according to location. Plus paying $5 or more to park when you are thinking about just a quick beer or two is not very cost efficient.

BUT add to this the charm of the neighborhood and the convenience of so many clubs/restaurants in such close proximity and it does add up to a big asset. The Ybor Market on Saturday mornings is always enjoyable. West Palm Wines is a first rate boutique shop. The Handmade in Florida Craft Gallery is more of an art facility than crafts. And the list goes on.

We would like your opinion on where Ybor City is , and where it should go. Please visit our Poll and let us know what you think. CLICK HERE.
AND of course, your comments are welcome on this blog too.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Over the past two years, a very large and representative BAYSHORE TASK FORCE studied virtually every option for making this scenic drive and recreation area safer for all.

I attended a couple of meetings and was impressed with the size and dedication involved. Citizens from recreation, business, neighborhood, safety, and law enforcement groups were attending frequent meetings to address the concerns about Bayshore Boulevard.

When I interviewed the Mayor, prior to the Task Force's report, asking for her suggestions on Bayshore, she deferred to the Task Force and was proud of their work and efforts. "Why appoint a hard working committee and then make suggestions prior to their report ?" was her answer. Mayor Iorio has supported the construction of the sidewalk since the Task Force's recommendations.

The report was issued with many suggestions to improve safety. (KEY WORD HERE IS: SAFETY) With money and budget restraints; implementing the suggestions have gradually been planned and many suggestions implemented.

If you use Bayshore, you know the lack of a complete southbound sidewalk between Howard Avenue and Bay to Bay creates a safety hazard. That is why the Task Force made the suggestion to install that section of sidewalk.

BUT now, the Bayshore Diplomat condo association and a couple of Bayshore property owners don't want the sidewalk to be constructed in front of their property and have been successful in getting the city to rethink this plan.

This is very simple, if you want to walk on the south bound side of Bayshore, you will have to walk on uneven grass or you will have to cross the street. Still resulting in the safety issue that the Task Force addressed.

Take the Task Force's recommendations: construct the southbound sidewalk - ALL OF IT !

Call the City Council 274-8131.

Friday, June 24, 2005


As I looked at some of the newspaper maps at planned construction in Downtown, it was easy to think of gardening. Discussion about heights and types of buildings (hotels, condos, retail) sound like selecting the right plant to be sure you can walk between the rows or be sure that the heights work to make the light access correct for the other plants in the garden.

The seeds for downtown redevelopment are already in place. In case you haven't noticed, after years of reaching for new office buildings, the call for them now has become silent.

Already over 5,000 new housing units are starting to grow or are already approved in downtown. Hotels are also on the way. BUT, it is retail space that seems to be lagging behind.

Two Channelside establishments have closed their doors - permanently or temporarily seems to be the question - Newks and Rivals. Part of that comes from the lack of NHL hockey games and the revenue it brings.

When VERVE had a recent DOWNTOWN AFTER SIX function, several hundred people attended to stroll through part of downtown. It was great to see some local businesses stay open a little later to make the event work, but it was a little sad to see all the businesses closed at 6 PM. Regardless of the downtown event, on Saturdays, most retail spaces and restaurants are closed and silent.

A garden starts with a clearing process. Raking, planning, then planting. Not all plants grow at the same speed. You have to be patient and nurturing before the garden really takes hold.

Downtown Tampa is just like that. Let's just hope that in the rush to construct the garden we don't remove some plants that we really ought to keep, like Kiley Park, or allow some in that shouldn't be there.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Recently I received this email at SOHOTAMPA.COM.

Hey, Mr. Bill! I’ve got a question. Some friends and I were sitting on the deck at the Deck on Friday 10 June. While enjoying our pizzas, we noticed the parking lot at the former Porky’s laundry filling up with various cars and suvs. Then the tow trucks started to arrive. This business is closed. There is very limited parking in hyde park, especially on Friday nites when everyone wants to pub crawl or have dinner. The question is, why would the owners of an extinct business care if their parking were used for the benefit of all??? It just seems to me that most of the businesses that are located in hyde park are here for a reason. And the reason is high pedestrian volume($)! It is pointless that someone with all that unused space would limit access to the property. And, if that is the case, why is there not a fence around the property to keep everyone out???Also, this towing company only took the nicest cars. While on the deck, we noticed a mercedes and 2 bmw’s being towed. The chevy and ford suvs were left behind and not touched while we were there. Maybe they took the high end cars knowing that those owners would most likely get their cars out of hock before an older pos jalopy? Just curious as to your take on the matter. Kevin

Dear Kevin, It has amazed me to see the tow trucks zoom around the neighborhood like sharks in a kid's wading pool. With a cost of over $200 to get your car out of their hands and the total inconvenience of trying to figure out who has it and where it has gone; towing has become a big profit maker for some, and a big headache for others. What is the solution ?

Parking garages, mass transit, a little more give and take from neighbors, better city controls in not allowing new businesses and residences without adequate parking, or all of the above ?

We have raised this issue before ... and will again. We welcome your comments on this issue.

Monday, June 06, 2005


The amount of rhetoric that comes from the Republican Right is amazing. Especially when you have several assaults on basic Republican values.

First, the massive federal budget deficits. When Carter had deficits, the Republicans called him a TAX AND SPEND LIBERAL ! But when Bush gives them to us at ten times the Carter numbers, the Republicans stay silent.

Second, Iraq. Republicans have generated the policy of "if it isn't in America, we shouldn't get involved." So much for that.

Third, states rights. Today the Supreme Court struck down the use of medical marijuana, all after an appeal from the Bush Administration that challenged 10 states policies over that law. So much for States Rights, a basic issue of the Republican Party.

At this rate, the Republican Party should just change its name to the "BUSH PARTY" or maybe the "BLIND SHEEP PARTY". Either name would better describe their evolving "principles".

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


As an outdoors fan and as someone that attends many community events, a trend is becoming evident across the city. Our City Parks are being neglected.

Gadsden Park at the south end of MacDill looks like a sandspur farm with picnic shelters there are virtually unusable.

Bern Laxer Park on south Howard Avenue is now a year behind schedule from the plans the city expressed to me over a year ago. Over $200,000 has been budgeted by the city and could be in jeopardy if not allocated by the start of the next year's budget. Hopefully a planned meeting in early June will get this project back on track.

Kiley Park in downtown is another victim of neglect. Hard to imagine a riverfront property in our highly touted downtown that has been ignored for years.

There are quite a few other problem parks, and we want to hear about them. Please add your comments or email them to me.

Improvements are happening at some, but it is the overall state of maintenance that is the problem.

Let's be honest, with around 150 parks and recreation sites, the city does have their hands full.

With the value of real estate where it is, TAMPAGOLD.COM believes we should protect these valuable resources before it is too late. The city will see dramatic increases in its income due to these rising property values. We must remind the City to put more money in to these treasures to better enhance the life of all Tampa residents.

Watch for us to get more answers to why our City is letting this happen.

Please send your comments and suggestions to:

You can visit the City of Tampa's Parks and Recreation website here.

Monday, May 16, 2005


The hardly noticed park just north of the Kennedy Boulevard and Ashley Street intersection is not your typical park. Raised on top of an underground parking garage and tucked between the Tampa Museum of Art and an over 30 floor tall round office building, there are not swings or ball fields. Just an imaginatively designed urban space that allows you to escape from the hustle and bustle of the downtown of a rapidly changing city environment. City council membr Linda Saul-Sena and Harry Wolfe, one of the original architects of the bank site should be commended for raising the knowledge level and awareness of this significant downtown issue.

With a dense coverage of trees, easy walkways, and a riverfront location, this park is at risk due to several key issues.

First, the park has been neglected and ignored. While the city is responsible for the park, it has not been on its priority list (amazing for a waterfront site in a city where the mayor keeps talking about a Riverwalk plan to include better use of this area for our residents). It has been ignored due to the continuing upheavel in the banking and real estate industry that has lead to many changes in the ownership of the adjacent beer can shaped office building.

Second, with the recent defeat of the plans for an expanded Art Museum at the current site,: vultures of every stripe are looking at the three adjacent sites with dollar signs in their eyes. That's right ! Kiley Park, the Art Museum and the farther north park could allow for significant development of commercial or residential space. While we are still hearing about the possibility of an arts district a few blocks more into downtown, the silence as to what might happen to the Art Museum has been almost deafening.

Third, and the largest risk to saving the park is our silence. With the explosion in development and real estate prices, getting land for public green space is getting more difficult with every day. Why would Tampa residents possibly want to give up a waterfront, already established, nationally recognized park in a booming downtown without a fight ? Easy anwer, lack of awareness and just plain apathy.

The Tampa Tribune recently issued an editorial calling for efforts to save the Belleview Biltmore in Clearwater, a noble effort. BUT KILEY PARK is being also called upon by the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation as one of Florida's most endangered sites - along with the Biltmore. Get involved. Visit this beautiful urban site, send an email to let your City Council know that you want city park property to stay city park property. Post your comments below AND email them to let them know how you feel. DO THIS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE !

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Yesterday I received a letter from the Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority. Did you get one too ?

The letter went into explaining the delays in construction, the increase in fares, the concern about safety, and of course, the design/engineering mistakes that has helped contribute to these issues.

If I had been the only recipient of this letter, it would not have really bothered me. BUT, living in a condo, it takes little to look in the trash can by the mailboxes and see all these discarded letters from the Expressway authority.

I do not use the toll road very often, but the cost of the letter to me would about equal the proposed raise for a one time use. How about all those letters in the trash bin ?

They just don't seem to get it about using taxpayer money. Why did they send me a letter now about a road not to be completed for at least another year ? The answer is simple : WE ARE NOT HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE ENOUGH !

I must commend the chairman for having the courage to signing his name to a letter about a project that has been an almost total disaster.
Think about it: 1. a project many do not feel is safe; 2. cost overruns around $100 million; 3. Fare increases of 25-50 cents; 4. Additional wasted money on sending out letters about the project.

IF this doesn't bother you then so be it, BUT, if you want to let the Authority know what you think, you contact them here.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Let the SONY Buyer Beware !

Having become a tech use junkie with all that happens on and, it is always pisser when the systems go wrong. It is worse yet when it is poor support that helps make it happen.

Two years ago I bought the then state of the art pda from Sony - the Clie with built in camera and all. It has served me ok for the two years, until recently when the screen decided to add lines on each side making it hard to use. After two tries with Sony support, the problem has been solved. That's right ! With their help the lines are still there and now all my data has been deleted. The online help person seemed to continually fail to respond to what I was indicating was showing up on the screens, clearly was not just trying to help me due to the long waits between his responses, and of course, the final result being that the solution is now solved because I am throwing this $599 piece of Sony garbage in the trash. Looks like the old yellow legal pad wins again ! And they don't even have an online support office.

Monday, April 25, 2005


It recently came to light that it is against City Ordinances to fish along almost all of Bayshore Boulevard. We are talking about resident fishing - not large commercial boats or anything like that. Violating the ordinance could result in a fine.

Reasons for the ordinance have centered on the issue of safety. Making sure that bicyclists, runners, roller bladers, and others are not hit by rods and reels, or fishing poles, or hooks, etc. BUT who are we kidding ?

While most of the types of residents attracted are merely there for the recreation, there are some that fish just because they want to catch dinner. Maybe they are poor or maybe they are just trying to save a few dollars.

With this City Ordinance in effect along this beautiful stretch of million dollar homes and condos you also have to wonder if it isn't just a case of "those that have" trying to make sure that they don't have to be subjected to observe "those that have not."

Tampa is made up of people of many diverse ethnicities and backgrounds. And to the knowledge of TAMPAGOLD.COM, they have just as much right to enjoy Bayshore as anyone else.

Let's get rid of this ordinance. Recent prostesters of the fishing ordinance carried signs that read very simply "WE CAN SHARE". Seems that says it all. What do you think ?

EARTHDAY Makes You Think Some

The Earthday event in Tampa at Lowry Park provided diverse environmentally motivated groups a great opportunity to reach out to the community about how we can each do a little to make our Planet a better place to exist. Unfortunately, it was a case of preaching to the choir. While the groups brought many volunteers, the public was not as particpatory as could have been hoped for. For the next year's event, we would suggest a more central type location where people already are. We love Lowry Park - all of it ! But the important information that Earthday wants to distribute was just not getting to where all it needs to be.

However, there is a continuing effort that really needs to be commented on. Most people think that Government Employees are working Monday-Friday jobs --- WRONG !

We go to more events than we can remember. From Plant Sales to Environmental Events, to Pets events; and almost everyone event we attend - on weekends - have City, County, State, and/or Regional employees participating to give you helpful information. At the Earthday Event Brent White with the City of Tampa's Water Conservation department was sharing information about helping to save water by using rainwater. Did you know that a homeowner can receive TWO free rain barrels ? Storing rainwater can aid in reducing stormwater runoff.

If we all do a little, it can mean a lot. For info about water conservation and the Rain Barrel program in Tampa, call 274-8121, tell them TAMPAGOLD.COM sent you ! What do you think ?

Friday, April 22, 2005


The approximately 500 participants in the fundraising event for the Moffit Center had a great time. The restaurants provided a great sampling of some of SOHO's unique locations, BUT it was the taste of Hartline's Trolley Car system than really was the talk of the neighborhood.

Will it ever come to SOHO ? What will it take to happen ? Will it get used if it does ?

It is sad to see the existing route to Old Hyde Park Village operate with virtually no riders on most trips. If it went further, just a few blocks, to Howard Avenue, would it get used ? Would if be profitable or even come close ? Would you use it ? Thinking about walking a short distance and being taken to Channelside or Ybor is pretty attractive, but would it be used ?

What do you think ? We would welcome your comments - click below to add yours.

Friday, April 15, 2005


All the screaming and yelling about the members of the Tampa Sports Authority receiving Buccaneers tickets, viewing suites, and food and drink is really just a bunch of B.S. This NON-PAID board has a lot of work and responsibility staring at them every day.

Acting as an In the Sunshine organization with almost every type of media attention possible, it seems a little silly that the issue of going to a few football games with a few friends and having some food and drinks is such a big deal. It seems to me that I would rather have them having a good time than have them make some bad decisions costing the county millions of dollars.

It looks like their games and tickets will be limited and forget the liquor and beer, hot dogs are probably in their future. Someone seems to be trying to take the AUTHORITY out of the Sports Authority.

Sports is business, but, it is about the fun and excitement too. Let these members have fun. I am certain when they are at those long, drawn out meetings that they are not being paid for, fun is not what they are having.

Get off their backs, if we are so concerned about them abusing or being so influenced by this perk, then maybe they should not be on the Authority to begin with. This does not seem to be the issue, so let's sit back in our suite, have a drink, and enjoy the game. Gee, seems that is what we want the fans to do ! What do you think ?

Thursday, April 07, 2005


If you drive the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway, you have to look at the strange shaped pilings and wonder if they are going to be safe. We have all heard stories or seen pictures of collapsed bridges with cars dangling or going over the edge. Work on the expressway is being done by URS Corp. The pilings sank not a few inches - BUT 11 FEET ! Remember this

If you live in the Apollo Beach area, you have to know that the desalination plant to help provide some relief to our water supply has been a continual nightmare. Covanta built the plant and was to operate it, but it was taken over by the county when it appeared to have serious problems. Pretty uncomfortable when you build a project only to have it taken over at the end due to those problems.

By the way, we failed to tell you about the millions of dollars each of those issues have cost the county - plus the moment of fear that most Expressway drivers have when approaching those pilings/supports.

Our County Commission is thinking of REWARDING the two companies with additional contracts: For Covanta - a possible project to expand a waste to energy plant and for URS Corp. additional work on stormwater projects. The Tampa Tribune has complete details.

Only County Commissioners Blair and Storms vote against these.

At the same meeting , the brainless commission voted against providing healthcare to 3 time felons in order to save $ 4 million annually. THE COVANTA DEAL ALONE COULD INCREASE COUNTY LIABILITY BY AROUND $ 22 MILLION !


Your comments to them really does make a difference. By the way, if this gets you worked up, let Commissioners Blair and Storms know you support their votes too.

Friday, April 01, 2005


you should have thought about it being April Fools Day OR at least thought about the fact that what bureaucrat would ever let a multi level mobile home park ever happen in Tampa. OR at best, you should have guessed that nice neighborhoods would never allow a mobile home park - of any nature - in anyway.

BUT the point TAMPAGOLD wanted to make is that affordable housing is an issue that is about to wrap around our Paradise's throat in a fast way.

Key West is dealing with this problem in a major way. The restaurant servers, hotel staff, maintenance people are all being pushed farther up the highway due to the price explosion of real estate on the island. The trade out means longer commutes increasing transportation costs and adding to less time to spend with family and friends. Tampa is experiencing a rapid price increase. Developments are selling out before even breaking ground.

In SOHO, townhouses starting at $399,000 are springing up everywhere and seem to be selling briskly. How many bartenders or hotel clerks can afford that price tag ? This price explosion moves like a giant growing cloud - more residents moving from Tampa to Brandon, Riverview, etc. to escape those high prices. Intown, the public housing projects are being eyed by developers with an eye to gobbling up this land in exchange for a multi price level development.

Recent reports show average area prices in the low $200,000 range while average incomes support prices in the low $100,000 range. The Tampa Tribune has been doing a very good job reporting what is happening. Our only criticism of their coverage is that it should be in BRIGHT RED Letters !

When will this quit ? It's anyone's guess, but the rising interest rate environment can sure put a strangle hold on the homeowner's budget. Speculation is clearly serving a part in fueling the Tampa market. With over 20 projects destined for downtown, most have alreadybeen reserved or sold out. It would sure be interesting to see how many of the same names show up on each building's sold list. Recent articles about job losses in Tampa seem to about match job growth. So what does that mean for a growing population ? Just maybe a multi level mobile home park isn't such a bad idea after all. What do you think ?

Monday, March 21, 2005


Ok, everyone else has weighed in on this subject, so might as well too. Three things come to my mind.

ONE, how can you really know what to do unless you are around her and knew her before.

TWO, the politicians have lost no time in grandstanding this issue without the experience of ONE above.

THREE, what a very tough situation for everyone involved. And that is everyone ! From the husband, to the family, to the care staff around her, to the lawyers, and to the judges involved. Everytime this is discussed, I am more greatful that it is not me or anyone I know directly.

If you haven't thought of a Living Will, you might better do so.

Welcome to TAMPAGOLD.COM !

This blog and the related websites SOHOTAMPA.COM and TAMPAGOLD.COM have as a clear purpose the dissemination of information about living on the West Coast of Florida. With plenty going on at all time, there will be no shortage of topics to discuss. While we may sometimes wear our opinions on our sleeve, we are always receptive to your thoughts and discussions. Welcome to TAMPAGOLD !