Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Tampa Is Lucky Again

Hurricane Katrina unleashed her fury on the upper Gulf Coast sparing us from another potential disaster. If you are "ordered" to evacuate - would you ? Do you trust government officials to advise you correctly before a storm hits ? And do you trust them to take care of you after the event ? Are you really covered under your insurance ?
AND if you evacuated in the middle of the night with almost nothing, and almost everything you had was lost, do you know what you would do ?

Lots of questions to think about.

New Orleans had been lucky for a long time - just like us.

You can help now with a few dollars - for the RED CROSS - click here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


It amazes me when I hear people so intolerant of others in the U.S.

Critics of the President are called names and told they aren't Americans. Critics of the War are called names and told they aren't Americans. Critics of anything are called names and told they aren't Americans.

What an irony. Many of our founding fathers came here to avoid religious and political persecution. Our Bill of Rights seeks to guarantee freedom of speech and thought.

While I may not ever agree with your opinion - I will ALWAYS agree with your right to state it.

The recent emphasis on democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan is the allowance of people to speak about and vote for their ideas.

Seems to me like it is time for Americans to BE Americans and let citizens speak up for their own ideas.

Whether it be Bikini Bars in East Hillsborough County, HARTLINE, The Art Museum, The Iraq War, - sift through the bombardment of messages reaching you every moment and think about and speak up about what is important to you !


Too much can lead to too little.

Stop right where you are right now and take a moment to look around you. How many messages are reaching at you NOW ?

Is there a logo on your drink cup ? Does your computer have a label saying "Intel Inside" ? Are there any business cards in front of you ? Anything like "Microsoft" on your mouse or keyboard ? Does your phone say "Nextel" ?

We are so bombarded with messages that it leads to many of us missing a lot of what is going on.

It is most concerning when it comes to issues that may be really important - maybe even save lives.

Are you aware of the following:
1. 7th Avenue in Ybor is about to return to vehicle traffic from the pedestrian traffic in the past ?
2. considerations are underway to change parts of North Armenia/North Howard just north of the Interstate to TWO Way streets from the current ONE way streets ?
3. people are gathering ballot initiative petition signatures with your name, address, and phone number and not identifying who they are or who they are working for ?
4. a group name BEST (Built Environment for a Sustainable Tampa) is trying to insure that Downtown Tampa does not become just a batch of high rise concrete structures ?
5. a future Tampa Museum of Art will cost city residents about 1 Million per year to operate ?
6. the "New Tampa" area has a strong movement afoot to no longer be a part of the City of Tampa ?

And we have barely begun to scratch the surface of what all is happening in this city. is making significant changes to be able to tell you more about our city and its residents. Your input is critical to making that work. We welcome your comments and input - always !

Monday, August 15, 2005


Hillsborough County Commissioner Rhonda Storms is a pretty unique politician. She does speak her mind and is consistent with her voting. I like her style - sometimes.

BUT it is her substance that gets all out of whack. She seems totally unconcerned about the possibility that her stand against supporting Gay Pride might be deemed as discriminatory.

Whether or not you agree with her stand, you should be concerned about her attitude. And concerned with her effort to rush through her position without any prior discussion or input. The speed and lack of deliberation on behalf of the commission members sure smells of a planned conspiracy.

Did the other commissioners know this was coming ? If so, when and how ? Was this a violation of the Sunshine Law ? Will we ever know ?

The GLB coalition has now implemented a plan to support merchants that support their cause by posting a sticker on their front door. My history education brings to mind too many times that a marked door was used to discriminate and to persecute.

I hope our County Commission will learn how to unify rather than divide. This would be something we could all be proud of.


The continuing saga of Cindy Sheehan hanging out by the President's Crawford Texas home has really gotten sour. Nerves at the site seem frayed.

I am no fan of President Bush and have never been a supporter of the war on Iraq. We did not have UN approval and their were no WMD's as threatened, however, that day of decision has passed. T

he President is THE PRESIDENT.

I do not think he should meet with her - again. And ignoring her presence at the ranch will not do any good either. Especially if some one is hurt or tensions escalate.

What a great time to have a good reason to cancel his vacation for a week and head to: a disaster site, a meeting of some conservative group, an international good will mission or something. Maybe with the completion of an Iraq constitution, Bush could sneak into Iraq for a celebratory signing or something. If the President and the media left Crawford, this wrong approach to this serious issue would go away.

We all share the pain of the Sheehan family.

Openly and candidly discussing Iraq's future and our role in it is a much better way to deal with the Iraq issue for everyone's benefit. It is the failure in doing so that has provided Cindy Sheehan with this platform.