Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Our Predictions for 2006

At this time of year, everyone likes to make predictions about the New Year, so why should we be any different. Here goes:

1. The Real Estate Market. The incredible explosion of prices that happened in 2005 cannot continue, but don't look for any big collapse either. While some of the speculative projects will disappear, buyers will be there to step in. BUT the gravy train is over. We hear stories of high end Bayshore Blvd. projects seeing some significant price pressures. Remember there does come a time when someone has to put their name on these properties and either stroke a check or take out a mortgage. The market for high end condos will be gasping a bit, and prices will not be rising as fast, but overall the real estate market will move along in a positive direction in 2006. Watch for homes to appreciate at around 7 % rates in 2006. The South of Gandy development will be getting everyone's attention.

2. Downtown Development - Mayor Iorio's plans for RiverWalk Park will start to take a more substantial role in downtown planning. The funds for this endeavor look like they will be found. The main developer - EDAW - knows what they are doing. Surprise of surprise will be the History Museum (to be located between Channelside and the Forum) as the main pivot point for this entire park plan. Watch for more attention to be placed on Tampa history. Intial construction should start for the Bishop/Wallace plans for reinvigorating the entire district spanning between downtown and Ybor. Downtown will be a totally different place by January 1, 2007 with lots more changes on the way.

3. Speaking of Museums - The Tampa Museum of Art will find themselves still struggling for a home. While the Cube building is currently being promoted, it will prove to be an expensive and undoable location. The museum will locate there only as a method of survival.

4. More Live Theatre in Tampa. The many local theatre groups will continue to find sponsorships and willing audiences. With prices considerably less than the big shows and with quality talent and the comfort of small theatres, watch for these groups to thrive. The co-operation between groups will intensify and the completion of new small theatres will helped to stimulate interest further. Stageworks, Gorilla Theatre, and TBPAC have shown what benefits come from working together.

5. The Power of Sports. To steal a line from the movie "Rollerball", "This isn't a game." Just because points are involved, don't think this is just a game - this is big business. The financial boost that the completed Hockey season, the winning Buccaneers, the Outback Bowl, and now booming USF Bulls football team will continue to have on Tampa will be extremely noticeable. AND for Those of you in the real know; to have the Manchester United owners (The Glazer family) involved in Tampa is an incredible boost to our prestige around the globe. (pay attention to our #6)

6. More Global Connections.
From the original days of Henry Plant running a train to the docks to move Caribbean products to the north to what lies ahead, Tampa has been a city with international connections. The Glazers will be bringing more attention to Tampa from the European markets. Watch for charter flights to increase between St. Petersburg/Clearwater Airport and European destinations; while in Tampa, watch for more flights to Mexico and Caribbean nations including Panama. And while on this subject, WIFI will be almost everywhere. The growth in computer usage will keep exploding. Almost all of downtown has free wifi now. The rest of the city will not be far behind as many businesses will find it a great way to attract customers. More here.

7. SOHO will start making Significant Changes. But the biggest changes will not really happen until 2007. The Citivest High Rise at DeSoto and Bayshore, the Bern's Hotel and Parking Garage, The Post Properties construction at Swann and Howard, and more townhouses sneaking in where possible. Changes to the building currently housing Sangrias/Cappy's will stay a topic of discussion, but no real changes in 2006. Watch for a few more national franchise names to sneak into the neighborhood.

8. YBOR will Continue to drift.
The continual tug of war between the bar/restaurant owners (that draw people) and the daytime businesses(that don't draw people) will continue for at least another year. It will take at least another year before Ybor's shaky legs gain some strength. The completion of the direct roadway from the Port of Tampa to the Interstate will finally let the east side of Ybor provide the catalyst to really change directions and images. For you real estate investors, this might be the best place in town to be !

9. President Bush and Rhonda Storms.
They will start to have more in common. President Bush will go through an impeachment trial that will stagnate his administration as they work to survive. Rhonda Storms will continue to be challenged as a result of her moral exuberance. Oh, and Brian Blair - who is he? In both cases, ideals of where and what our government should "be" and "not be" will be the real questions before us all. (We have to talk about the Governor's race - competitive - this will be a cliff hanger. The timing of the Bush impeachment trial will determine this race.)

10. WestChase What ?
Sometime in 2006, Tampa residents will start to realize the growth that has already occured in West Chase and in Wesley Chapel. These booming areas are just outside the Tampa radar. But their impact is really large.

Biggest Tampa News in 2006 ? We think there will be lots to talk about, but the biggest event will be the emergence of the properties immediately east of downtown as a new real estate growth market. This battle between real estate developers and the port/shipping interests will start to heat up as they fight for turf.

That is what we think is ahead in 2006. What do you think ?

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A Story About a Horse

Time - 1920. Location - almost anywhere.

There I am working at home as usual when this fancy dressed fella stops by to tell me about how my life is going to change. He tells me about a new world coming and what it is going to mean.

I only have to laugh. For generations my family has done as I am doing. Working at home and travelling as we always have. Whether by myself or with the whole family we were always able to get where we wanted to go with a minimum of effort.

He started talking about thousands of new business locations dotting the countryside and people thinking of things in a whole new way.

Seemed like a nice young fellow, but he will learn that things don't just change like that.


And a short time later - things did change - no more horses or wagons, no one travelling as they did. Thousands of gas stations sprouting up to take care of them and a whole new industry was born.


Over 70% of 2005's air travellers will buy tickets online - not from travel agents. Online sales of almost all products are continuing to rise at double digit rates. 73% of home buyers are using the internet to shop for a new home, 26% are actually finding their home online. The average internet user spends more time online than watching TV. Over 35% of today's holiday shoppers will buy a gift online. Online advertising spending is rising at a rate of 26%. Newspapers are laying off workers partially as a result of the competition from the internet.

**********If you aren't using the internet to advertise your business maybe you are still using a horse and wagon to attract new customers to your door or to remind your existing customers that you are still here.

SOHOTAMPA.COM and TAMPAGOLD.COM have already had over 600,000 hits in the month of December. Let us put the internet to work for you ! Get more info here.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

A Government of Laws - In the Toilet.

With the revelation of the domestic eavesdropping on Americans without court approval by President Bush, we see a continuation of the erosion of the basic concept of a govenment of laws. People being held for extended periods of time with out charges being filed is already part of this erosion process. The inability of them to have access to the court system and a jury is appalling.

When you consider these erosion of our laws, the blatant deception that was used for our reasons for going to war in Iraq, and the continuing revelations of secret prisons and prisoner abuse contrary to the Geneva Conventions, it makes the impeachment of President Clinton for not telling the truth about a sexual affair look like a joke.

This President is out of control. In response to this new revelation he is blaming the information source rather than really addressing the issue of domestic surveillance. It is time for him to be reined in. As these details continue to be revealed it looks like we will once again have a White House so busy dealing with their own shortcomings they will not deal with the issues facing our citizens.

Over 40,000 Hurricane Katrina victims are still in hotels. The FEMA efforts from over a year ago in Florida are still hovering like a ghost of government failed. California has similar risks to New Orleans should a serious earthquake occur. Osama Bin Laden (the real perpetrator of the 9/11 attacks) has still not been found.

Normally I would suggest we wait til the next election to put things back on track, but at the rate of the erosion of laws protecting our rights to the courts and to privacy, I am not sure we can afford to wait. You can almost expect a statement from the Bush Administration that the elections will be delayed because of a threat to national security that has ties to terrorists.

With these newest of revelations, even many Republican legislators are sickened. It is time for Congress to act. Not talk, ACT. Let's see if they rise to the occasion or would they rather wait for the next Democrat involved in a sex scandal instead ?

Even Conservative Political Commentator Robert Novak started to point fingers at President Bush this past week. It is hard to believe that we are where we are. At what point is enough, enough ?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

ArtsYbor Like a Dead Horse

The first time Ybor City held this monthly event, it was well received and attended. The abundance of quality art on display throughout the area was a real topic of conversation. However, the subsequent events have been so poorly attended that it has become an embarassment.

The City has helped to fund this event. Hartline is running their empty trolleys for the event. Musicians are playing. BUT NO ONE IS THERE.

You can't get a dead horse to win a race. The Arts Ybor event has become such a dead horse they should just quietly let it go away.

With the start of a new year, Save the money and focus on something else.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Doesn't Seem Right

As you have driven downtown by the Federal Courthouse, it has been hard not to notice to barricades indicating something special was going on. That Something Special was the trial of Sami Al-Arian on charges involving terrorism and other grievious acts against our country. The U.S. Government spent lots of money and time to justify their charges against him. They failed.

No charge of guilt was found against him.

We really have nothing to say about that, except: a jury heard an unbelievable amount of evidence (that we sure haven't) and made a decision.

What does bother us is that days after the trial - with no guilty verdicts - he is still being held. What gives ?

It is hard to miss the rhetoric about Saddam Hussein jailing people with no reason, no trial, hiding them, and abusing them.

Hm... seems like our Bush lead government is doing the same. People being held for years without charges. People being held in secret prisons without any acknowledgement. No trials. Abuse at prisons from Americans or others. AND now, one guy goes to trial with all the resources of the Federal government being dumped on him to prove guilt, the jury finds none, and he is still behind bars.

I think we should classify all this as "For Adults Only". The last thing I would want would be for kids that are being taught about our Constitution and American ideas of a democratic country of laws to find out reality.

To "Merry Christmas" or Not

Ok, I admit I am not a religious person, but the spirit of Christmas is a really great feeling. Having shared Hannukah with many friends, that spirit provides a really great feeling too.

Since I am not Jewish, it would seem a little strange for me to be saying " Happy Hannukah" to people I greet.

But these days in the world of political correctness, saying "Merry Christmas" seems a little stressed to me, too.

TAMPAGOLD.COM and SOHOTAMPA.COM will be having our "HOLIDAY PARTY" on Monday, Dec. 19th, We want to invite You and Everyone to enjoy each other's company and holiday spirit - every holiday spirit. You can get the details of our party here.

What do you think about the "political correctness" that seems to be taking over our holidays ? Is there an answer ?

We Apologize and Have Taken Action

Recently, SOHOTAMPA.COM and TAMPAGOLD.COM became an affiliate advertising site for over 80 national businesses. Included are Florsheim shoes, Mikasa, Sharper Image, Macy's, Hilo Hatties, Time Life, Aetna and many other household names - and Wal-Mart.

Recent articles concerning claims against Wal-Mart of racism and how Wal-Mart responded have lead us to withdraw from being a Wal-Mart affiliate. The stories that have existed about this company have frequently been peppered with concerns about damage to local economies, fair wages and benefits, buying products from sweatshop manufacturing conditions, and more.

If Tampa were a small town, we would probably not like Wal-Mart due to their ability to eliminate the important local businesses. They have definitely had an impact in Tampa - both good and bad.

However, the new charges regarding a very poorly handled situation in the Brandon store is more than we are willing to ask our site visitors to overlook.

Internet advertising for this holiday season has grown by 24%.

We have removed their ad links on our sites, notified them as such by email, and withdrawn from their affiliate program

We apologize to you for any uncomfort this may have created you and assure you that our sites do not condone racism or bigotry.

IN AN UPDATE - 12/14/05 - It seems that Wal-Mart has taken the step of firing the store manager and putting another store employee on some sort of "double secret probation". These steps might help, but it is the overall company thinking that really needs to be considered.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Trolley Being Expanded to South Howard

After a series of many meetings and discussions, it finally took the development of the corner block at Howard and Swann by Post Properties to unleash part of the money required to expand this service. The City required Post to contribute to this service before approving any building permits. Starting in January of 2006, the trolley (actually a bus that looks sort of like a trolley) will continue past Olde Hyde Park Village from Downtown to loop around Howard and Bristol(the road behind Kash N Karry) on its way back to downtown.

With the business on South Howard, this is past overdue. Unfortunately, the hours are so limited that it might not accomplish much. Plans call for the service to start at 11:30 AM and end at 9 on weeknights and 11 on weekends. Not real supportive of doing an Ybor City, Channelside, or Forum event. BUT it is at least a start.

A possible short loop route could run with an additional $50,000 or a Long loop route for about $150,000. Get details here.

With the difficulty finding parking and fighting traffic, this could help to solve part of these problems. What do you think ?

Monday, December 05, 2005

We felt this should be posted

We received this email from one of our readers and felt it should be posted.

Sexuality should, in my opinion, be private.
It should be a non-issue.
Fem, and Hyper-male stuff is just "acting out". It is an act of
People need to learn how to have a well integrated personality of their very
own--instead of acting out a character. (Or in my own personal venacular:
being a cartoon.)
I think the focus should be to give young people the understanding that they
themselves must be complete before they start engaging in intimacy of any
kind. They need to learn how to have healthy relationships with others as
individuals and have a comfortability in themselves before adding sexuality
to the mix. So many people that I have met lack the self-restraint and
completeness which is necessary for a comfortable partnership with another
human being regardless of sexuality.
It is nothing less than a tragedy--again the sexuality means nothing in
I have known a few very flamboyant characters--which admittedly scared the
crap out of me. They did it on purpose. It kept people at a distance and
headed off any rejection. The rejection they were most frightened of was
not of their sexuality, but of THEM. Two different deals. Pain in both.
I've caused myself great injury in the past, and will slip into old
passive-aggressive behavior without even realizing it. A terrible flaw, a
crippling defect of character, based upon fear, anger, and rage.
Even though I'm "straight" and have always been--the "gay-pride" stuff I
have seen in action has been the reflection of these same flaws. It tatters
the fabric of civility, it divides the community, and causes distress and
confusion amongst the young. I do not believe that sexuality is complete
until people reach their twenties--a childhood "crush" has been turned into
a life sentence. This is totally unfair to the young.
The few people that I have known over the years which were complete,
comfortable people were gender innocuous--that is to say that the
personality and other aspects of their character were very much in the
foreground. They could turn the sensual aspect of their character on and
off like a light bulb; and that side of their character was no one's
business but their own. Each and every one of those rare individuals were
worthy of emulation.
Outward behavior is important--in the end it is all anyone has to decide
whether to associate, befriend, or hire someone. That is where the focus
should be--along with private things remaining comfortably private.
I am convinced that Rhonda Storms was elected and re-elected strictly for
entertainment value and nothing else. She is the South Hillborough County
answer to the powers-that-be in south Tampa that run everything. The
WWF-Wrestler is a pathetic puppet, with daddy well connected with the
"good-ole-boys". I really wanted "Dave the Dwarf" to win-if only for the
name value. The people who really cared about the county didn't have a

Friday, December 02, 2005

It is Past Amazing !

Cirque de Soleil launched a one month engagement of the production - VAREKAI in St. Petersburg this week.

TAMPAGOLD.COM and SOHOTAMPA.COM were invited to attend and to assist in part of their promotion of the event.

Having been to a Cirque de Soleil's La Nouba previously, I did not hesitate to commit to them and to attend the opening event.

If you like costumes, you have to go.

If you like theatre and dance, you have to go.

If you like acrobatics, you have to go.

If you like comedy, you have to go.

There is nothing like Cirque de Soleil. The talent, professionalism, and production is second to none.

You will see performers accomplish physical acts that seem impossible.

Varekai starts with a forest feel of roaming animals and characters that borders on chaos. As the show progresses, chaos is far from what you see. The precision of the performers in overhead acrobatics and springboard programs is nothing short of amazing. Trust between performance partners is nothing short of miraculous.

Don't miss this event while it is here.