Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Rhonda and Brian Show

In case you missed Wednesday night's Fox News Network's interview of two Hillsborough County Commissioners - Rhonda Storms and Brian Blair - you missed quite a show.

Just for your information, we did not want to see the holidays done away with, but isn't the issue education ? Most government agencies do not recognize these holidays.

Bill O'Reilly clearly portrayed Storms and her side kick, Blair, as the ones that have stopped the grinch from stealing holidays in our public schools - implying that they single handedly accomplished this. (So those of you that attended meetings, sent emails, or made phone calls were not important) The rhetoric was so thick that it seemed more like fiction rather than a news story.

After listening to Commissioner Storms rant and rave over the years it seemed hard to not crack up when O'Reilly said as a concern about the school holidays critics: "Any time they can't win on the issues they resort to name calling".

To more appropriately reflect to you the flavor of the interview: imagine Commissioner Storms dressed in black leather, dominatrix attire with whip in hand and the submissive Blair kissing her booted feet.

When asked about the "liberal media - the St. Pete Times and the Tampa Tribune", Commissioner Storms pandered to O'Reilly by making it clear that TV is taking over newspapers. (Editors note: we believe that is true for the Storms and Blair fans - they probably can't or don't read any way. With the editorial differences between the Times and the Trib, they must be laughing hysterically at being painted as in the liberal camp together. )

This inteview was so funny that it rated as a comedy act. The submissive Blair seemed to look at Storms in awe. The continual name calling rhetoric was dogmatic rather than substantive. The only thing sad about the whole thing was to remember that these two elected officals are paid big bucks to represent us. Sort of makes us wish we had elections more often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AFAIK: They get paid in the mid-thirties don't they? Even though the Blair campaign cost over $500,000. Not a great return on investment with term limits and all--is it?

And watch it bud, I am a "Storms fan".

As I quit watching TV 15 years ago I can't be sure of this. . .I consider her to be Tampa's answer to "Reality" TV. Or perhaps Lucille Ball as a Dominatrix. Hard to put into words actually--but I am entertained.