Thursday, July 27, 2006

Day 5 - Biking Across Iowa - Unique Words/Terms

Several phrases/words are uniqe to Iowa:

RUMBLES - those are the cuts in the road that cause rumbles to your cars as you approach an intersection.

KYBOS - from the name of a company that supplied portable toilets. Looking for a toilet ? Where are the kybos ?

MAID RITE - or MAID RIGHT - or TAVERNS - these sandwiches are usually called sloppy joes in Florida.

More bike team names: Team Bastards, Barking Spyders, Spam, Huff n Puff, - more coming

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very little was good last year. golf tournaments TaylorMade's Vincent disagrees. Things are looking up, he says. Before long, his game was basically gone.